virginia is for [gay] lovers

by Paxton Grey

when a man falls in love with a woman, does he do it face-first out the front door? because i'm going to see if i can assemble the moon for [him]. manipulate glowing chunks of rock in the void of space. there is silence as it wells inside me: this hunger for [his] gravity. 

i want to behold [his] hands. fingers interlaced with mine; palms pressed against each other. [& red will trickle it’s way out of the crevices. we’ll be caught & it will be a joy. & to wash his hands afterwards is a brand of holy. because] falling in love is a question dislodged & evolved into a declaration.

the loosening of a projectile is acknowledgement of the truth of destination. [relegated to implication & whispers. his face & mine hidden among the stars. 143 words & not quite kissing. because a slogan must necessarily be short.

Paxton Grey (he/they) is a transmasculine software developer living in Indiana. His work has been published or is forthcoming in Sundog Lit, Palette Poetry, Glass: A Journal of Poetry, Hobart After Dark, Pithead Chapel, Empty Mirror, and elsewhere. They can be found on twitter @PaxWrites.